E-Commerce Websites. Now Also In Installments.
We create online stores with WooCommerce or Magento, including post-delivery hosting and maintenance.
We create online stores with WooCommerce or Magento, including post-delivery hosting and maintenance.

“PROMOVATOR.online” is an IDEOMEDIA service dedicated to SMEs, providing access to a comprehensive range of essential web services with professional human assistance. These services have become indispensable both for maintaining and developing existing web presence, and for the conception and creation of memorable and impactful new web projects in the online environment.
We creare complete online shops and boutiques for artists, artisans, or small and medium-sized enterprises with a range of products exhibited.
We create marketplaces/retail online stores in Magento, tailored to the scale, functionality requirements, and targeted development of your business.
We offer a convenient option for all of our new customers to pay for their online stores in 12 monthly installments by subscribing to our maintenance services.
Pachete de creaţie şi dezvoltare web cu opţiuni dedicate şi preţuri ajustate pieţei autohtone pentru un raport optim calitate/ preţ.
E-SHOP Standard
Personalizare grafică
Up to 25 hours of work
Project research & familiarity consultation
Choosing a shop theme from the provided selection
Customizing the WooCommerce theme
Up to 3 included pages
Până la 3 pagini incluse
Până la 10 categorii produse incluse
Up to 100 products upload included
Installing necessary components/plugins
Adding supplied text/content
Adding supplied images/logos
Integrating pages with Policies/Terms/Conditions
Newsletter plugin setup
Contact form
Delivery plugin setup
Online payment plugin setup
Google Maps
Google Analytics
SSL Certificate
Delivery time: 15 business days
15% discount on additional hours
Web Care web hosting and web maintenance package included for 30 days after delivery
Descopera prețul și customizează opțiunile flexibile pe varianta desktop / laptop a website-ului nostru, sau:
E-SHOP Extra
Personalizare nelimitată
De la 50 ore de lucru
Consultare de informare şi familiarizare
Alegerea unei shop theme din selecţia oferită
Instalarea platformei WordPress pe server
Personalizare WooCommerce theme
De la 5 pagini incluse
Până la 30 categorii produse incluse
Urcarea şi verificarea produselor prin feed-uri
Instalarea componentelor/ pluginurilor necesare
Ajustarea structurală a elementelor paginilor
Ajustarea grafică a până la 50 imagini pentru Galerie
Introducerea textului/ conţinutului furnizat
Introducerea imaginilor/ logo-urilor furnizate
Integrarea paginilor cu Politici/ Termeni/ Condiţii
Instalare plugin Newsletter
Setarea formularului de contact
Instalare şi setare plugin Curier
Instalare şi setare plugin Plată online
Instalare şi setare plugin Google Maps
Instalare şi setare plugin Google Analytics
Instalare şi configurare sistem de urcare a produselor prin feed-uri
Securizarea website-ului cu certificat SSL (https://)
Termen de predare 30 zile lucrătoare
Reducere 15% la orele suplimentare
Pachet administrare şi găzduire Web Care inclus 30 de zile de la predare
Discover pricing and customize flexible options on the desktop/laptop version of our website, or SCHEDULE A DISCUSSION:
E-SHOP Custom
Dezvoltare de la zero, în orice platformă
Propunem cea mai bună soluţie în materie de platformă şi pluginuri necesare, creăm atât structura cât şi designul elementor şi a paginilor, adaptăm şi integrăm conţinutul primit şi construim funcţionalităţi specifice acolo unde este nevoie, funcţionalităţi ce nu pot fi dezvoltate sau configurate cu ajutorul pluginurilor deja existente. Acesta este un serviciu menit celor care îşi doresc sau au nevoie de ceva cu adevărat unic în mediul online.
Cost estimat în urma unei analize de proiect
E-Commerce Development for Standard Online Shops in WooCommerce.
Web service designed to meet the requirements for creating a typical online store with up to 100 products, including 3 pages and 10 product categories, which can be developed without limitations on the WooCommerce platform. We provide professional web hosting and web maintenance service post-delivery to ensure a secure and uninterrupted online presence at current standards.
Human Assistence & Web Development Included
Up to 25 ore hours of work
Project research & familiarity consultation
Choosing a shop theme from the provided selection
Customizing the WooCommerce theme
Up to 3 pages included
Up to 10 product categories included
Up to 100 products upload included
Installing necessary components/plugins
Adding supplied text/content
Adding supplied images/logos
Integrating pages with Policies/Terms/Conditions
Website Features Included
Newsletter plugin setup
Contact form
Delivery plugin setup
Online payment plugin setup
Google Maps
Google Analytics
SSL Certificate
Other Advantages:
Delivery time: 15 business days
15% discount on additional hours
Web Care web hosting and web maintenance package included for 30 days after delivery
E-Commerce Development for Extensive Online Stores in WooCommerce or Magento, with Complex Features
Web service that covers the development needs of a complex online store with extensive functionalities designed to manage a range thousands of products. Depending on specific requirements, the choice of the development platform, either WooCommerce or Magento, is determined. Web hosting and web maintenance services are provided post-delivery to guarantee a secure and uninterrupted online presence at optimal quality standards.
Human Assistence & Web Development Included
Up to 50 hours of work
Project research & familiarity consultation
Choosing a online store theme from the provided selection
Customizing the chosen theme
Up to 5 pages included
Up to 30 product categories included
Uploading products through feed system
Installing necessary components/plugins
Adding supplied images/logos
Structural changes to page elements
Graphical editing of up to 50 images for gallery section
Integrating pages with Policies/Terms/Conditions
Website Features Included
Newsletter plugin setup
Contact form
Delivery plugin setup
Online payment plugin setup
Installation of feed-based uploading system
Google Maps
Google Analytics
SSL Certificate
Other Advantages:
Delivery time: 30 business days
20% discount on additional hours
Web Care web hosting and web maintenance package included for 30 days after delivery
Ground-up web development, in any CMS
We propose the best solution in terms of platform and necessary plugins, create both the structure and design using the chosen builder, adapt and integrate received content, and build specific functionalities where needed—functionalities that cannot be developed or configured using existing plugins. This is a service intended for those who desire or require something truly unique in the online environment.
Perks & Benefits
Our team of designers customizes, creates, adapts graphics for background or selects product-inspired images for content. Upon request, we design new versions of logos/emblems or other complex graphic design elements. We propose creative solutions for maximum exposure and increased sales.
We provide a high-performance web hosting service, thanks to the increased response speed of SSDs and the latest-generation processors in our Cloud servers. Our familiarity with the provided web hosting also presents the advantage of increased efficiency in addressing your requests.
We can help you achieve optimal speed parameters for both SEO reasons and for a smooth web experience for users. Maintaining high loading speeds is achieved by periodically revisiting this aspect, considering the frequent changes that occur in hardware/software technologies and the specific evaluation criteria of search engines.
We constantly monitor the data flow, anticipate, prevent, and identify attempts of any kind of web cyber attacks, using both passive means (automated AI monitoring) and active ones (human involvement). We also perform regular backups ensuring quick data recovery and resolution of any unforeseen situations.
We create high-quality content for both building your online store and for marketing and advertising purposes. We can adapt or write original articles and product descriptions for the store, blog, newsletters, and advertorials. We perform text revisions, in-house translations into English or other languages with the help of specialized and validated collaborators over time. We propose slogans and other linguistic formulations for your titles or advertisements.
Having the advantage of already knowing the specifics of your business and the details of your 'web property,' this positively influences all aspects of online promotional campaigns we can create. These will benefit from enhanced quality, starting from the selection of web promotion channels to the specificity and attractiveness of linguistic formulations and graphics used.
Frequently Asked Questions
Contact us, we are here to help.
Depending on requirements, the quality of initial specifications, and your availability for consultations/feedback, an online store built on WooCommerce can be ready in 10 business days, while for a retail-type online store, it takes a minimum of 20 business days. These are just approximate minimum values, considering that execution times vary from case to case.
An optimal deployment of the online store with minimal costs occurs when we have all the content as well-structured as possible before commencing the work. This includes company logos, text content, images and video clips, texts for pages such as Terms and Conditions or Privacy Policy, as well as technical data or descriptions of your products and launch product feeds.
Generally, we use the Magento platform for creating large-scale online stores and WooCommerce for small to medium-sized online stores with standard functionalities. We recommend these two solutions due to their multiple native functionalities and the rich ecosystem of 'add-on' components offered by the vast community contributing to the development of these platforms. Depending on the situation, we can also choose other platforms that allow for a development tailored more specifically to your needs.
Essentially, this service is a financing system over a fixed period of 12 months, a form of financial leasing. If you opt for installment payments, the website created for you remains our property until the end of this period. This means you do not have the right to transfer this virtual asset or any elements of it to another hosting/web service provider before the expiration of the contractual period and the complete payment of the associated installments and web hosting fees.
Throughout the 12 months, you will benefit from a suitable package for website maintenance with included web hosting, an essential and necessary service for the operation of your website.
Our Web Care packages for e-commerce maintenance with included hosting encompass added human assistance. For more details regarding our web hosting packages with web maintenance included, please visit our dedicated page.
No. Although we recommend our maintenance service with included hosting because it provides a considerable advantage in the store's further development, as we will know your store best and work will be done with increased efficiency. However, subscribing to our maintenance service with included hosting is not mandatory as long as the online shop is fully paid for.
Upon delivery, we will provide e-commerce maintenance and hosting for a limited period of 30 days. During this period, you should plan to migrate to another web hosting service provider.